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Long Distance: Getting started


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38 minutes ago, Rsquared said:

Aftershock? No, no noooooo. That's the enticement my brother. :laffs:

For perverts like you, I get that...   :lmao:   Doc tried to run, his wife blocked him by the kitchen island, and made him take it...   :banana:

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On 5/3/2023 at 9:59 PM, 98Z5V said:

Well, in the Spring Session, it's 4 days, typically Thursday through Sunday.  The Fall Session is 5 days, and is Thursday through Monday.  The price is super steep.  It always costs the same - Free-Fiddy-Free.  Just show up to the desert in South Central AZ.

So, the cash outlay is whatever it takes you to get here, then camp in the desert for 4 or 5 days.  Breakfast and dinner are provided.  We love to cook.  Lunch is on you - whatever you like to do for that.

The heavy price that you have to pay is the mental and psychological damage, afterwards.  You'll see shiit out here that you've never seen before, do some things that you never thought were possible, and it's probably gonna impact you, long-term...  We're not responsible for any counseling that you have to go through later in life due to attending.  We're also not responsible for any marriage counseling that you need to attend, after your return, when your significant other notices that "you're different now..."  Not on us...  :thumbup::laffs::lmao:


Lol. :lmao: 

I am getting up there in age so no long term issues really to worry about as I am already there (lol). The wife also has dealt with both my carrer choices and the fall out from that as well. Psychologically, been married for long enough that Im pretty much bullet proof. :argue::laffs:

Awesome deal on the price sir and will definetly make the trek out there. I am in the middle of middle age life choices and one is moving/having older cars that might not be up to the task, so maybe I will rent something. I will look at the fall season for sure (hopefully from a closer state). 

Looking forward to some challeneges that I havent yet done (or tried) except jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or chopper. (Go figure, I was in an air assault unit and dont trust aircraft or parachutes) :paranoid:

The food sounds awesome, hopefully some good AZ BBQ. 😋

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There has not been an air drop training at the STDF as of yet.  Maybe @98Z5V could get the Dillon Aero guys to fly their helicopter over the mountain for a fast-rope exercise followed by a shooting course.

As for food, I have usually smoked some pork butt (in Texas) and made pulled pork for the first night in the desert in AZ.  It's just one small part of the great food that is always available.

Edited by Armed Eye Doc
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12 hours ago, JT303 said:

Looking forward to some challeneges that I havent yet done (or tried) except jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or chopper. (Go figure, I was in an air assault unit and dont trust aircraft or parachutes) :paranoid:

Well, there are no "perfectly good aircraft."  Ever.  Pilots are awesome at taking off, but landings are nothing more than controlled crashes.  Tell you what, pilots - get this fucker off the ground, give me a good airspeed, and let me the fuk out of this thing - I'll control my own landing. 

Jumping out of flying aircraft is the very best thing that you can do - with your clothes on.  :thumbup:

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7 hours ago, Armed Eye Doc said:

Maybe @98Z5V could get the Dillon Aero guys to fly their helicopter over the mountain for a fast-rope exercise followed by a shooting course.

I know two people that might be able to do something, but it's a long-shot on whether they'd run something like that onto BLM land.  Okay, 3 people.  I know the Range Master at Dillon.  I know the guy that runs the airfields around here for Navy HALO training.  the 3rd person is - I know the BLM LEO that's in charge of this area that we shoot on.

That would be putting alot together, 2 of the 3 dudes already know each other.  If anyone if Fast Roping anything, I wanna be the one in the bird, as the Fast Rope Master.  I'm putting them out. 

Putting something like this together, and actually pulling it off, would be more complicated than controlling a Pachinko ball down through it's course to the bottom.  I'll give it a shot, though, and reach out.  :thumbup:

I need to check with Dillon first - see what their policies are, off-range.  That's Range Master Skip.

His wife just LOVES @Rsquared...   :lmao::banana:

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1 minute ago, 98Z5V said:

His wife just LOVES @Rsquared...   :lmao::banana:

:laffs:Yeah she does. She was a good sparring partner for a bit. :box1:

She kept thinking that I was gonna crack, and come to start liking her before the night was done. I kept reaffirming her that I would most certainly NOT.

When the night was done, with gun pusher Jon puking on Kate's chair and all. I was right after all. :lmao:

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46 minutes ago, Rsquared said:

When the night was done, with gun pusher Jon puking on Kate's chair and all. I was right after all. :lmao:

That was the night that @JBMatt thought I was dead.  We rode some people hard that night.  I went backwards into a railroad tie, and Matt thought I was done.  I was fine, not even a leak, no blood.  There was a dent in that railroad tie, from my head, though...   :embarrassed:

"Who brings a CHAINSAW to the DESERT?!"  says Skip's wife... 

I DO...  :laffs::thumbup:

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This "fun time you all have had" sounds about halfway between a jackass movie and Black Hawk Down (Or maybe Full Metal Jacket). 

Anyway, always good to meet fellow crazy (banana's) people in the shooting world. 

Lol :laffs:

Looking forward to the next adventure........ 


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9 hours ago, JT303 said:

This "fun time you all have had" sounds about halfway between a jackass movie and Black Hawk Down (Or maybe Full Metal Jacket). 

You know what - that's a pretty damn good analogy, right there.  Seriously.   :thumbup::laffs:

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:26 AM, JT303 said:


This "fun time you all have had" sounds about halfway between a jackass movie and Black Hawk Down (Or maybe Full Metal Jacket). 

Anyway, always good to meet fellow crazy (banana's) people in the shooting world. 

Lol :laffs:

Looking forward to the next adventure........ 



I promise you, if you accept the invitation to come, you will find that it actually isn't comparable to anything you've ever experienced. You'll feel like people who've walked on the moon, it's just impossible to effectively describe what it is without actually having participated. We do AARs to share highlights and whatnot, but there's nothing that can compare with the hilarity and excitement of experiencing it in person, and I guarantee you anyone who ever attended will attest to that fact. All that to say, you've already wasted too much time on not coming, you need to be there for the Fall Shoot!

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On the drive back home after attending my first Fall Shoot I was already planning my trip back for the upcoming Spring Shooot. Covid put a pause into that but now back on schedule :banana:

 The stories, the pictures while great don't give you the full experience. It's kinda like the difference between watching a cooking show vs being in the kitchen sampling the food.

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On 5/6/2023 at 7:06 PM, 98Z5V said:

You know what - that's a pretty damn good analogy, right there.  Seriously.   :thumbup::laffs:

Hee hee, Yeah, sometimes I think half of my military career was a jackass movie in the making. We did some dumb things. 

Definately looing forward to coming out this fall. 🙂

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On 5/6/2023 at 8:51 PM, Matt.Cross said:


I promise you, if you accept the invitation to come, you will find that it actually isn't comparable to anything you've ever experienced. You'll feel like people who've walked on the moon, it's just impossible to effectively describe what it is without actually having participated. We do AARs to share highlights and whatnot, but there's nothing that can compare with the hilarity and excitement of experiencing it in person, and I guarantee you anyone who ever attended will attest to that fact. All that to say, you've already wasted too much time on not coming, you need to be there for the Fall Shoot!

Always looking forward to a great shooting expereince anywhere. I have learned a lot in my days, but theres always room for more and I never consider myself an expert. Stay humble and strive to be better than your adversary. Looking forward to coming out this fall. 

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:12 PM, Cunuckgaucho said:

On the drive back home after attending my first Fall Shoot I was already planning my trip back for the upcoming Spring Shooot. Covid put a pause into that but now back on schedule :banana:

 The stories, the pictures while great don't give you the full experience. It's kinda like the difference between watching a cooking show vs being in the kitchen sampling the food.

Covid kicked my butt this year as well. I thought the initial shot was bad...... had been boosted but still felt like death. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Watch this interview.  Long Distance is just a math problem.  It takes awhile in the interview to get to that, but when you hear it - you'll know I'm correct on this. I've preached it for years.  Nerd Magic.  Run the math. 


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That was a great interview, what a down to earth guy he is Killing has a way of getting under the skin and it is personal I know for me as a young man i wanted to provide for the family and hunting was the way i chose but in my later years the killing became more spiritual if that makes sense, i don't like the killing part but i understand it is part of the circle of life and sometimes necessary... thanks for sharing this i need to learn Nerd magic...  

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Brother, once you have that math stuck in your head, it's literally easy.  I'm serious.  Accurate gun, accurate ammo, no loose nut behind the trigger...  solve those, and it's just a math problem after that.

One thing I noticed in that vid above - this dude is shooting a .308 Win Knight's M110.  He obviously JUST pulled the trigger -the brass is still flying out of the ejection port...  Why is his firing eye closed?!  Recoil Sensitive, he needs to fix that shiit.



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On 5/24/2023 at 9:04 PM, 98Z5V said:

Brother, once you have that math stuck in your head, it's literally easy.  I'm serious.  Accurate gun, accurate ammo, no loose nut behind the trigger...  solve those, and it's just a math problem after that.

One thing I noticed in that vid above - this dude is shooting a .308 Win Knight's M110.  He obviously JUST pulled the trigger -the brass is still flying out of the ejection port...  Why is his firing eye closed?!  Recoil Sensitive, he needs to fix that shiit.



It will take some doing to get it stuck there maybe super glue or a hammer and nails but I will try i am a visual learner need to sit down with you and see how it is done to get the idea.... 🙂

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14 hours ago, Magwa said:

It will take some doing to get it stuck there maybe super glue or a hammer and nails but I will try i am a visual learner need to sit down with you and see how it is done to get the idea.... 🙂

That's exactly what this is all about, brother.  There's as much one-on-one BS'ing about this as you want. 

My shooting mat is over here, your shooting mat right beside.  We just go through it again and again, and it'll lock into that gray jello in the brainpan.   :thumbup:

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10 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

That's exactly what this is all about, brother.  There's as much one-on-one BS'ing about this as you want. 

My shooting mat is over here, your shooting mat right beside.  We just go through it again and again, and it'll lock into that gray jello in the brainpan.   :thumbup:

works for me ....... :)😁

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