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Ricky Carmichael.  RC4.  I've met this guy numerous times, and had personal conversations with him numerous times.  I'm legendary to him, after he stopped racing, and was announcing at the races - at every Phoenix Supercross, I was THAT GUY in Section 121 or 122, every year, below the booth, that yelled out to him...

Arms up, between an announcing pause, ...   It was always this...  Both arms up, facing the announcing booth...



Well, fuq me, I got to meet him at the Suzuki Dealer's Show in Las Vegas in 2012...  Told him "I'm that jackass that yells to you every year in Phoenix, from right below the announcers booth..."  It turned into a 30 minute conversation.  He told me that he looked forward to that, every Phx race, after I started doing it, and laughed his ass off when he met me over that...   That's a Champion, to take that kind of time to talk to a dude like me.   :hail:

I love that guy - check this vid out.  He's the MX GOAT, bar none.  If it's got tits or wheels, I can ride it, drive it, or make it squeal -but Ricky is on another level in MX.  Totally. 


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I love me some Jason Everman.  Just like I love me some Pat Tillman.  There's just something about someone that could be SO famous, and just gives it all up to serve this country.

Jason Everman was a guitarist in Nirvana and Soundgarden.  Then, he decided he was gonna be a 2d RGR Bn crusher and then a Special Forces member. 

Fuckin' BADASS.


Guitarist Jason...



SF Jason...


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On 1/18/2024 at 11:59 PM, 98Z5V said:

I love me some Jason Everman.  Just like I love me some Pat Tillman.  There's just something about someone that could be SO famous, and just gives it all up to serve this country.

Jason Everman was a guitarist in Nirvana and Soundgarden.  Then, he decided he was gonna be a 2d RGR Bn crusher and then a Special Forces member. 

Fuckin' BADASS.


Guitarist Jason...



SF Jason...


Listened to this when it came out great podcast

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10 hours ago, shepp said:

I’m technically listening but here’s one for you



I just dabble in this, brother, with gas guns.  There's such another world out there...  For example, last gas gun match was last Saturday, well, there was another event on Sunday at the Gunsite Range, in Paulden, AZ.  @JBMatt planned to drive up there Sunday morning, just to check it out.  NRL Hunter Match.

HOLY SHIIT, is this thing badass!  Let's say you walk up to your stage, you can't look at it until the timer starts. You have 4 minutes on the clock.  Timer buzzes, and you can enter the target zone and firing position - you don't know how many targets are out there, where they are, what distances they are - nothing.  Timer goes off, you approach the firing position - and you need to figure it all out.  You have to glass for targets, FIND them, determine their distance, then engage those targets.  You can ask "Yes/No" questions to the guy running that stage...  "Is that 3rd target under the tree, around 500 yards, in the shadows?"....  The answer might be "No." 

Well fukk...  Okay then...

This is some serious shiit, in the competition world, and we had no idea, until we went up there last Sunday, just to observe a match.  Turns out it's a 2-day match, one of the biggest in the country, and we were mind-blown. 

This might be something that we get into.  Well, I already know that @JBMatt is COMPLETELY FUQD, and he's gona be all Balls-Deep into this one!....  :laffs:

It's all bolt gun stuff, hunting, everyone is running around in the very best, most expensive hunting camo gear, looking cool - big doll-hairs gear - but it is BADASS...  :hail:

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Last time the Canadian government spent money for something like this weas 1959-61 building a shelter for politicians in Ottawa.

Typical politicians only thinking of themselves, seems kinda pointless surviving when the rest of the country along with the military will not exist.

Just after the 14 min mark is my world right down to Saint Barbara. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Told you guys that SHOT Show 2020 was Ground Zero for La Corona...  I stated it, directly, when I got sick as fuk after that one.  I don't get colds, or get sick. Fuckd me up for a couple days, pretty bad. Never missed work, though. 

This real vid is about a Black Swan event in the US, but the beginning is all about that same thing - the launch of La Corona...

This is the first time I've heard anyone else that was surrounded on the industry state this...    Everyone was kinda kept quiet about attacking this angle.  I fukkin' knew it.  The massive spread into the US was SHOT '20.  That did it.

Check it:


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