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Texas high school shooting


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He killed the girl first, from what the kids are saying. Shot her at least twice in the head, as she layed on the floor. They say though that before he could get to her he had to shoot the kid who was trying to hold the classroom door closed. Once inside the room he went after the girl, supposedly. He didn't stop with her though. He went on killing. Our resource officer tried to stop him, but got shot himself. My young friend was killed in the large closet where he and other kids were trying to hide. The POS shooter shot my friend through the door as he was trying to hold the door closed, to protect his friends. Other kids were able to escape the room, supposedly through a back door to the room, that went into another classroom. My sons friends told us Friday night that the shooter had been reported several times to the admin of the school for his "weird" behavior that made them uncomfortable. Nobody did anything. They never bothered to even talk to the kid, according to the kids we talked with.

My friends in law enforcement tell me that once they were able to corner the kid in the art room he gave up and came out. The coward didn't have the guts to go out in a blaze of gun fire, or to shoot himself as he had planned. He is, and always will be, a coward. It is believed by many of the students that he just ran out of ammo, or became so nervous he was unable to reload the loose rounds. I would guess it was the latter.

A lot has come out that allege he was bullied at school, and that may have been a contributing factor. I've made a few posts on Facebook regarding this issue. I don't know if it's appropriate or not for me to share one of the posts here. Forgive me please if it's not. Here is the post:

While I can’t say for sure if he was bullied or not, I can tell you for a fact that the school administration has allowed bullying in the past. And they did nothing to stop it. My youngest son was severely bullied, to the point he called me crying to come get him. He said they were going to kill him. So my wife and I rushed to the school. We had a meeting with the principal, in which she stated a month previously he had a fight in the bathroom. She then tells me he had gotten assaulted in the bathroom a week earlier. And, then she told me other kids had called him the “N” word. I was livid. This principal NEVER called us for any of the incidents. When I asked her what she had done to stop the incidents, she explained she brought them in her office together and told them that my son had reported them. She asked them to “make up, and be friends, shake hands”. No punishment was given to anyone. I pulled my son out of the school. He graduated from a charter school a year before his peers.

That same principal who allowed the bullying of my son, and did nothing about it, is now the principal of the high school. That’s right. She got a promotion.

I went to the superintendent. I contacted the school board. Nothing was ever done that I’m aware of. I’m certainly glad that I pulled my son out of the district. It sure looks like the culture that allowed the bullying of my son is still occurring there. And, btw, this would have been his senior year. Thankfully, he excelled at the other school and graduated early.

My other two kids also told me kids tried to bully them. They’re fighters though. They had a few fights, off campus, and gained respect. They gained enough respect kicking ass that nobody had the guts to mess with them anymore. They told me kids would call them the “N” word as well. My youngest isn’t a fighter. The bully’s wouldn’t leave him alone.

My three kids are adopted. One African American, two that are half Hispanic and half White.

I only tell y’all this so you will know that bullying at the SFISD schools has been a problem in the past. And, the administration didn’t do anything to stop it. Furthermore, I had to find out because my child called me “daddy, please come get met, they’re going to kill me”. The administration then, is the same damn administration now.

The culture of any institution is a direct reflection of its leadership. If you want to change the culture, change the leadership.

I want y’all to know also that even if the shooter was bullied it does NOT give him any excuses. It just may point to an indication of possible motive. And it’s an area the school administration has control to change. They can change the culture of the school.

I’ve written several posts elsewhere on changes that need to be made to make our schools safer, ways to harden them and secure them better, ways to increase response capabilities. I’ll not clutter this thread with them. Suffice to say gun control is not how you do it.

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Thanks for sharing that, MLey. We have similar issues up here, and threats of lawsuits by parents if their kids are disciplined. Time to cull out the feel good administration types and realize a hard assed principal is there to protect everyone. Kick the troublemakers out and let them sink or swim in the workplace. And report them to the police as a security risk.

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4 hours ago, Sisco said:

Thanks for sharing that, MLey. We have similar issues up here, and threats of lawsuits by parents if their kids are disciplined. Time to cull out the feel good administration types ...

And the Candy-Ass parents...

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Nothing to think over.  What are you gonna do?  Sit around and say, "Nothing, Ever!" until the next Dem President bans everything?...

Stick to that mantra.  You'll be fine with Trump in office.  The very next time a Dem Pres comes around - and it'll happen someday - everyting will get banned. All of it. You'll be looking to move to Australia, because they will have more gun rights than the US...  

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My biggest problem with the shooting is that the kid got a hold of his dads shotgun, and his dads pistol, supposedly without his dad knowing. All three of my kids are adopted. Prior to CPS placing our kids with us they did a home inspection. One of the first questions they asked was if I had guns. Of course I did, lots of them. I was in law enforcement, and hunted. So, CPS said that we MUST purchase a gun safe to secure my guns in so the kids would be safe. I asked about a regular gun cabinet. NO, a gun cabinet was not sufficient for CPS. So, my wife and I went to Academy and purchased a nice sized Cannon gun safe. That was 21yrs ago. The gun safe still works great. And, I've never once worried about my kids getting to any of my guns unsupervised. Gun safes WORK, when used properly and responsibly. Had the shooters father done the same, perhaps those 10 people would be alive today.

My young friends family, Chris Stones family, have already filed a law suite against the shooters parents for failing to secure the dads firearms, among other things. I agree with their suite. If you own guns, and all of us here do, secure your weapons so no unauthorized users can get to them. A gun safe is a modest investment compared to most of our collections. My gun safe was about 900.00 back in 1997, and I was glad to pay it. It's more than paid for itself over the years just in the satisfaction of knowing my kids were safe, and my guns were secure when I wasn't using them.

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5 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

Nothing to think over.  What are you gonna do?  Sit around and say, "Nothing, Ever!" until the next Dem President bans everything?...

Stick to that mantra.  You'll be fine with Trump in office.  The very next time a Dem Pres comes around - and it'll happen someday - everyting will get banned. All of it. You'll be looking to move to Australia, because they will have more gun rights than the US...  

........................and you may just be surprised at how quickly and quietly it could happen.

I remember quite clearly what happened in Australia after the Port Arthur mass shooting, legislation was written and put in place so damn quick that it left heads spinning, if one was susceptible to conspiracy theories one would say it was already drafted and simply sitting waiting for an appropriate event to happen.

There was the expected uproar and standard rhetoric from the firearms groups and individuals, "you'll never take our guns", "from my cold dead hands", "not one more inch" but once the 'buy back' began and the trucks were rolling on the road, stopping town to town the ques formed in an orderly fashion and the sheep handed in their firearms and pocketed the compensation cheques, not a single shot fired, not a single firearm pried from any cold dead hands, it was a pathetic and sad sight.

And this was in a country with a population of 25 million, a country that had fought in 2 world wars as well as every conflict since, a country where firearm ownership was considered a right of passage, where hunting is a huge pass time.

We watched this happen to our shooting brother and sisters across the 'ditch' (Australia is separated from NZ by the Tasman Sea, we call it 'the ditch') with mouths agape, but but but why aren't they standing up for their rights?, why aren't they doing something about this?

It just happened, no significant protest, was it lethargy?, was it the money they offered in compensation? , was it overwhelming odds against any 'stand' being successful?

If you want a modern example of how a government can peacefully disarm an entire country take a long hard look at how EASILY it was done in Australia.


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3 hours ago, mley1 said:

. My gun safe was about 900.00 back in 1997, and I was glad to pay it. It's more than paid for itself over the years just in the satisfaction of knowing my kids were safe, and my guns were secure when I wasn't using them.

Agree 110%.

Here it's a legal requirement that your firearms are secured in approved storage if not in your immediate possession/control.

All bolt actions and pump actions must be locked in a secure cabinet separate to any ammunition, all semi auto's, hand guns and full auto must be secured in an approved safe, minimum  construction 1/4" steel plate.

We have a 'strong room' built in the centre of our house, inside that is a steel safe secured to the reinforced concrete walls and floor, the whole lot is protected by an internal alarm and IR camera's that record straight to the 'cloud', then we have the normal house alarm system that is linked the gun room cameras and alarm and both of our cellphones, and just in case that's not enough our local police have our cell numbers and  address 'flagged'  so if we call, even under duress, from either of our phones they know who and where they are going to and that firearms are present at the address.

Does this all sound like a lot of over the top ridiculousness?, maybe, but we are happy to leave our home with the knowledge that if some dirtbag wants to break in he's going to be in for a tough time taking anything more that our 10 year old TV and the chances of any of our firearms being used in a crime or worst still to take an innocent life are almost zero.





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13 hours ago, 308kiwi said:

.........and you may just be surprised at how quickly and quietly it could happen. 

The only thing I can say to that is in Australia the right to self defense was enshrined only in tradition. I America it is enshrined in the Constitution as being granted by the creator. Not to say it can't happen here but it is less likely.

Reference the bumpstock ban in Connecticut with a total of 3, count them three bumpstocks turned in. In New Jersey 0 count them zero.  Look at the "assault rifle" registration in New York with somewhere around 10% compliance.

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On 5/18/2018 at 9:05 PM, 98Z5V said:

That's why I'm all over the idea of the Federal Semi-auto license idea.  It's a ZERO COMPROMISE situation, from OUR standpoint - legal gun owners.

 It makes the other side think we really made a huge compromise - and then THEY NEED TO GIVE SOMETHING. 

what are the gun control cultists going to give when we make another compromise? They are not going to give a fing thing they will take and take untill nothing is left.  We have already compromise away being able to buy a hand gun while visiting family out of state. You can't buy a long gun two states over, the second amendment is null & void if you travel on ether coast, drive through N.J. and stop for gas following all fed law, they will still arrest you for not having a license that you can't get as a non resident.  I'm through with the unconditional compromises.

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 T This link is from Quora in answer to the question, "Why does the 2nd Amendment bother Euripeans so much?"

I could never put it so well and it seems to apply here, please take the time to read it and apply it to the Australian idea being discussed here.



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1 hour ago, Docgmt said:

what are the gun control cultists going to give when we make another compromise? They are not going to give a fing thing they will take and take untill nothing is left.  We have already compromise away being able to buy a hand gun while visiting family out of state. You can't buy a long gun two states over, the second amendment is null & void if you travel on ether coast, drive through N.J. and stop for gas following all fed law, they will still arrest you for not having a license that you can't get as a non resident.  I'm through with the unconditional compromises.

You didn't read that article/idea, then.  Not at all.

In there, it fully explains the idea - and it's a damn good one.  Once you get that Federal License - you're GOOD in all states.  All of them.  Also - BIG bonus here, you buy suppressors OVER THE COUNTER, and SBRs/SBSs OVER THE COUNTER.  There's no more NFA Tax Stamp process for those...

Not, tell me, please - what's not to like there?  What are you worried about?  Not passing the process to get the license?!  That's really the only thing it could be...

Go read the article that was linked in the first post...

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52 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

You didn't read that article/idea, then.  Not at all.

In there, it fully explains the idea - and it's a damn good one.  Once you get that Federal License - you're GOOD in all states.  All of them.  Also - BIG bonus here, you buy suppressors OVER THE COUNTER, and SBRs/SBSs OVER THE COUNTER.  There's no more NFA Tax Stamp process for those...

Not, tell me, please - what's not to like there?  What are you worried about?  Not passing the process to get the license?!  That's really the only thing it could be...

Go read the article that was linked in the first post...



This is the kind of stuff that makes gun people hate the NRA and other so-called pro-2A groups; all of the proposals for 'compromise' under threat of confiscation and stricter gun control laws, not to protect our rights, but to help manufacturers sell more guns.

I've got a better idea that gets us SBR/SBS/Suppressors without a new Federal License: Repeal the NFA.

So who's working on that? 

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17 hours ago, 308kiwi said:

Agree 110%.

Here it's a legal requirement that your firearms are secured in approved storage if not in your immediate possession/control.

All bolt actions and pump actions must be locked in a secure cabinet separate to any ammunition, all semi auto's, hand guns and full auto must be secured in an approved safe, minimum  construction 1/4" steel plate.

We have a 'strong room' built in the centre of our house, inside that is a steel safe secured to the reinforced concrete walls and floor, the whole lot is protected by an internal alarm and IR camera's that record straight to the 'cloud', then we have the normal house alarm system that is linked the gun room cameras and alarm and both of our cellphones, and just in case that's not enough our local police have our cell numbers and  address 'flagged'  so if we call, even under duress, from either of our phones they know who and where they are going to and that firearms are present at the address.

Does this all sound like a lot of over the top ridiculousness?, maybe, but we are happy to leave our home with the knowledge that if some dirtbag wants to break in he's going to be in for a tough time taking anything more that our 10 year old TV and the chances of any of our firearms being used in a crime or worst still to take an innocent life are almost zero.


That's pretty awesome.

I never used to lock away my handgun because I'm a firm believer that it should be in reach at all times and the safest place for it is on my hip or next to my bed. There aren't any children that have or will have access to my place (I live alone) so I thought nothing of it and just kept the gun in a drawer when it wasn't on me. 

Then I started dating this woman who was a little bit unstable and had said things indicative of suicide, but how she would never do it and don't worry etc...; then I found out later that she had actually attempted it with pills. She would text me requests to shoot her in the head because of a bad migraine, and of course 'just kidding' etc...  I did two things that day. 1) I dumped her and 2) I bought a gun safe for when I can't keep it on me. 

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18 minutes ago, supertux1 said:


This is the kind of stuff that makes gun people hate the NRA and other so-called pro-2A groups; all of the proposals for 'compromise' under threat of confiscation and stricter gun control laws, not to protect our rights, but to help manufacturers sell more guns.

I've got a better idea that gets us SBR/SBS/Suppressors without a new Federal License: Repeal the NFA.

So who's working on that? 

You are.

This article came up with a solution, and it's a pretty damn good one.

Everybody that has a suppressor, SBR, SBS, of DD, has already gone through this exact process.  Read the article, people.

Everybody want to run in here and talk shiit about my comments on the article, but nobody wants to read the actual article...

The process proposed IN that article is the same exact thing that you go through for a Tax Stamp.

You now, those items are being confiscated every single day, and just taken from Tax Stamp recipients routinely...

Oh wait. No, they aren't.

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Tux, YOU go start the process to repeal the NFA. AStart a new topic on it, and let us know how you're doing.

In the meantime, the author of this article came up with a pretty damn solid plan, so tell me what you think about his plan, and how it can benefit your plan to repeal the NFA...   :thumbup:

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Getting something like this passed  as written has the same chance as repealing the NFA. So why not work on something that doesn’t add more buearacratic control but removes the control. 

For me anything that relies on government being fair and honest is dangerous. Any further registration/licensing is a bad idea and violates the constitution.

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Then get to it, and submit the plan. Let us know what it is, here.  I've never been able to come up with a plan for repealing the NFA.

But, I'll tell you what - the plan that guy had for the "Semi=Auto License" is pretty fucking smart.

Everyone shiits on it, and just shouts "No more anything..."

Then... come up with something... 

This isn't at you, personally JT,or to the new guy tux, either.  It's collective.


Otherwise, go read that article, and tell me what's wrong with it...

It GIVES you some NFA Items, as a walk-in to your Gun Pusher.  Right over the counter.

Tell me a better plan, instead of yelling "repeal the NFA." Tell me HOW to repeal the NFA. Tell me your plan on that.

Let's have a discussion, here.  Discuss it, for real.  Don't just yell the mantra, guys, and think it's gonna work.  It'll work as long as Trump stays in office, and it'll fucking FAIL of a Dem gets elected right after his second term...

THAT is reality.

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THis plan gives you - freedom in alot of things.

This plan gives you - freedom FROM fuckheads that commit crimes.

You know how?  They won't get the license.  They CAN'T get the license.  The CAN'T buy a NFA item right now.

You think that fuk in Parkland would have passed a background check for a Suppressor?  Then he WOULDN'T have passed THIS SAME CHECK.

Then, you prosecute.  "Didn't have a license.  He's prosecuted."

THINK about the details of that article - but first, you must READ the article...  Your judgment on it is moot, when you don't know the details.

(That is an overall statement, to those that just hit "reply" to MY comments...}

R  E  A  D  it.

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I have a better idea - use this plan as your building blocks for repealing the NFA.  Take the points in this plan, and expand them, to repeal the NFA...  :thumbup:

Please post your points.

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First : I am from the government and I am here to help.

Second: Now that you have your semi auto registered, how about your pump and lever action, now your revolvers and bolt actions........heres a few bucks turn them all in. Compromising only works when both sides give some, so far it has been totally one sided. Cite an example where we got anything in return for what we gave up.

Third : Why keep blaming the inanimate object?

He may have a point about every record being available on the internet but lets try keeping our oath to uphold the Constitution. Lets remember due process. The constitution has everything covered,  follow it. Shall not infringe, pretty clear language, get rid of the infringements that are already on the books and punish the law breakers, not publicize their exploits. Unpass a bunch of useless  laws, even law enforcement has a difficult time staying legal due to ambiguous and contradictory laws.

Above all lets remember millions of Americans didn't hurt anyone today, don't  punish them. Don't put them closer to confiscation with yet another list

I can see that you want to "do something " and I applaud that you are trying, however giving the current crop of mostly self serving politicians more power is going to backfire. Don't forget that  gun rights have not advanced even under the current administration, even if he claims to be a staunch 2A supporter.

Finally, as Jerry Garcia said, "when you pick the lesser of two evils, you still pick evil." How about we start over and actually drain the swamp and start over with fresh water?

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