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I think I’m gonna build a 9mm rifle....


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  On 6/17/2020 at 6:08 AM, DNP said:

I don’t pay anywhere near enough attention. Downside to the Hellfighter is you replace the bolt catch. Bolt hold open is gonna be GONE. No mas. So in the case of the 9mm, LRBHO is a wasted feature. 


Most PCC's don't have last round BHO feature.

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That aluminum shroud they make up the 16” with is actually thicker than I thought it would be. Knowing what I know now, I’d go shorter on the handguard next time. I think I’d also go with the rail that was thin all the way to the end. That rail flairs out more than I thought it would. 


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Well....we definitely complicated some shiit. First off the handguard. It relies on the gas tube to be “anti-rotational”. The recommend 35ft lbs for the barrel nut. After assembly and checking the wobble between the upper and lower, I was able to rotate the handguard....and the barrel nut along with it. It might want loctite instead of moly. And maybe a few more pounds of “mmmmf” on the tightening. Next up is the stupid CA complaint take down pin. What’s neat...it only lets it open just enough to drop a mag....what sucks is the way it pulls out and what a pain in the ass it is to separate the halves and do work. Silent capture spring....now, I haven’t measured the Spike tube, but one more rotation on it puts it too far into the lower- so it’s maxed out. The SCS comes with one .03” spacer in case it isn’t proud enough into the lower to keep tension on the bolt. Assembled first without it. And yes, that fucker hangs up on the hammer. Both in and out. Out takes a pry down on the hammer with a knife blade to get her free. Without the spacer...bolt rocks freely back and forth in the upper. No bueno. Disassemble and add shitty spacer. Still a little play. My $500 bolt and SCS cost me another $0.25. Spacer and a 98z approved quarter does the trick. Nice and tight. Aero trigger feels a bit rough on engagement. We’ll see how I like it when I get to shoot the bastard, but I’m pretty sure that’s coming out and going in another AR. Pics to follow. 

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Next up. MEAN mag does not play well with the JP bolt. It will not seat no matter how hard I beat it. Looks like this lower becomes a new gun and I’ll be ordering a dedicated lower. Here’s a pic of how it won’t look when it’s done....next to my sons dedicated 22 we finally got to shoot a couple weeks back. The SLR handguard is growing on me. I like how slim it is. I just hoe I can get it solid. Gonna try the other MEAN mag and look at their “clearance and adjustment” info to see if there’s any hope in salvaging it. 


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Sounds like my upper will not be compatible with the pmag. Even with the bolt locked back I can’t seat the mag. I’ll have to see if there is material I can remove or if it’s just a no go between these. I’m also contemplating swapping the Taccom upper from my sons gun with this Odin. That may solve it as well. So many choices. Shopping lowers too just in case. 

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Correction. It appears the “super feed barrel” is interfering with the pmag. It’s possible I’ll be able to file a little off the ramp on the MEAN mag to buy the clearance I need for the barrel ramp. 






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I wanted to avoid an insert. If I go to glock mags I’ll pick up a dedicated lower. After throwing together this pile of parts which we knew would likely have some conflicts...I’d do it differently next time. Right now, cheapest solution is to shave about 1/16 off the front of the ramp on the MEAN Endomag. If building another, I’d likely avoid the Taccom barrel for this type of setup. It looks like a great barrel and if I used it in anything else I think I would want their bolt as well. Maybe I do just need to build a second one and swap parts for what I think I’ve learned.

I’ll need to explore some other CA compliant parts. Might order a fixed stock and a Strike Industries grip fin and be featureless. That rear pin that limits the opening of the receivers is nice for that feature, but a pain in the ass to remove your bolt or do maintenance. Gonna make it shoot first and try the Hellfighter out a little longer before I make that switch though. 

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99% back together. Clearanced the ramp on the mag maybe a 1/16 or less and she inserts no problem. Hand cycles rounds. Torqued the barrel to 45lbs and just need to screw the wedges into the rail again. A little lube and this bitch shoots tomorrow. 

Anybody want to buy an Odin works upper, Taccom barrel and SLR handguard?  It has a few minor scratches and it will be fired.  Let’s make a deal.  I’m tempted to build things a little different now. What’s another $1500?  


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Sights are in the works. I mentioned earlier in the thread she’ll be @MikedaddyH style for a little bit (sans sights). The parts I’m going to order to change up everything else are gonna take a few weeks. Maybe more for one in particular.  So for now, I just want it to go Bang. Bang. Bang. 

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