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Pistol Brace Update, from 7 Jun 21

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4 hours ago, MikedaddyH said:

Guns And Gadgets nails it in this interview !!!!

This is 11 months old, brother - published 11 months ago.  And the timeline didn't quite work out according to BATFEs estimation.  That's obviously because of the recent court decisions.  They weren't ready to announce pistol brace shiit in Aug 2022, because of those decisions.  They took the time to try to make those decisions "more sound" - which they're not sound at all.

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I didn't know about the 88 days. But what I did get from the new rule was that it has to be registered in 120 days. Now maybe I'm misunderstanding that, or maybe it isn't being reported accurately, but if I submit a form I expect to be waiting for at least 6 months and probably much longer before I see my tax stamp. last I checked 120 days was approx' 4 months, so at the very best I'll miss the 120 days by 2 months. 

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4 hours ago, BrianK said:

I didn't know about the 88 days. But what I did get from the new rule was that it has to be registered in 120 days. Now maybe I'm misunderstanding that, or maybe it isn't being reported accurately, but if I submit a form I expect to be waiting for at least 6 months and probably much longer before I see my tax stamp. last I checked 120 days was approx' 4 months, so at the very best I'll miss the 120 days by 2 months. 

If there is 8 Eight people working the desk it would take 89 years to do 40 million approves for registered forms.  120 days is just not going to happened.


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Exactly MikedaddyH! 

I expect the rule to be thrown out. But if not I'll pay the $200 and not be subject to the 120 day excrement. I'm working on converting my arm braced handguns to pure handguns and after I have the stamps in hand rebuild them. One is already converted, I need minor parts for the other. 

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OK, so I made my last arm braced handgun legal in ATFs eyes. The big difference from a use standpoint? Before it stood up nicely in its ready position. Now it needs to be propped up so that it doesn't fall over. I'll make a stand for it. It's actually smaller and no less useable as an unbraced handgun so where is the logic? fjb; eff the BARF.

The word I have from the local manufacturer and I don't remember how they came by it, is that a majority of agents wants to see SBRs taken out of the registry. That's a step in the right direction. Removing cans from the registry should also be done.  We'll have to fight like hell for that. To get more is probably too much to ask for.

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Or maybe I didn't make it BARF safe? I was just on another forum and if it has a buffer tube that can be shouldered it's still a SBR? How does one make a AR handgun w/o a buffer tube? Yes, I know about ARs that are built differently but the vast majority use buffer tubes. 

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I guess I should grit my teeth and read the crap for myself, seeing lots of different opinions on what works and what doesn't, the part of removal that calls out not readily re-installed keeps snagging up the round buffer tube idea, I could easily just slide the braces back on my early Sig factory guns so? I'm gonna cut off the bottom of a carbine tube till the latch holes are gone for good measure, and I have several extra. The "pistols" with recoil though.... do you sbr the 308 pistols? Most of what I have was intended for a grandkid someday anyway, the few that are old enough and want them might be getting free sbr's......... I was trying to explain it to my Mother, she offered her crawl space, "Nobody would ever look there." .............................I reminded her she has two Alexa's :laffs:

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3 minutes ago, shooterrex said:

Pretty much if it has a buffer tube on it and they decide it's a SBR it's a SBR.

I think they like the power an ambiguous regulation gives them.... " Just cooperate sir and that pistol can stay a pistol". Is it actually active yet or still in the que? Any gun rights group worth it's salt should already have papers ready to file as soon as they have standing, it would be a slam dunk in a real justice system but







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It has a foam sleeve on it for cheeking, and also a single point sling to push it out against pressure. I think I'm good but who knows? I'm not doing any more to satisfy a vague law that's going to get thrown out. 

First they're good, then they're not. That's definitely entrapment. 

Let's see, 10M - 40M in the hands of users, I'd call that in common use. 

Vague "law" by unelected people who have already been told they can't make law. 

I think I'm good. Thanks for kicking it around gents!

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59 minutes ago, BrianK said:

It has a foam sleeve on it for cheeking, and also a single point sling to push it out against pressure. I think I'm good but who knows? I'm not doing any more to satisfy a vague law that's going to get thrown out. 

First they're good, then they're not. That's definitely entrapment. 

Let's see, 10M - 40M in the hands of users, I'd call that in common use. 

Vague "law" by unelected people who have already been told they can't make law. 

I think I'm good. Thanks for kicking it around gents!

My sentiments, exactly.  That good-not good-good again - now it's illegal...  That already kicked them straight in the dick. 

Then, West Virginia Vs. EPA happened...  And that changed everything for these .gov agencies.  If WVa vs EPA is never overturned - then that's forever... 

Edited by 98Z5V
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Call me a chickenschit but after my recent interactions with atf agents and the complaints I made I feel the need to keep schit tight, give myself everything possible to point to showing I tried to follow their mess just in case. I already have a trust but I'm not sure I want a safe full of sbr's and all that entails. If I had any faith in government operating correctly I might be able to tolerate the wait and see method....... I still haven't seen a bump stock back on the market, wouldn't that be irony if I could replace braces with 16 inch barrels and bump stocks, I'm not counting on any judge to save my pistol braces any time soon.

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On 1/24/2023 at 5:30 PM, Magwa said:

The buffer tube can not have any device on it to facilitate shouldering i think it can not be bigger than 1 inch so a bare buffer tube is fine BUT it can not have the notches etc to fit a stock on so it must be a pistol buffer...

If they're saying this now, then previous rulings/decisions are gonna bite them in the ass, pretty hard.  They approved cane tips on the end of the pistol extension over a decade ago.

This is gonna go miserably for them. 

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On 1/25/2023 at 6:52 PM, 98Z5V said:

If they're saying this now, then previous rulings/decisions are gonna bite them in the ass, pretty hard.  They approved cane tips on the end of the pistol extension over a decade ago.

This is gonna go miserably for them. 

I Agree 100%

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The lawsuits and challenges need to start piling up fast.  As Fuk. 

Would be good if our lawmakers - the ones that actually ARE ON THE HOOK for this kind of legislation, kicked it into high gear, and smacked this agency down, a'la West Virginia Vs. EPA - but I doubt they'll do it. 

This is THEIR wheelhouse, and they need to defend it.  Against an Administrative Agency, only. 

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