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Let's See Those 1911's


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I'm going crazy waiting to see what the grips will look like - Greg actually picked out the wood, in a solid block.  HE was the instigator that time, mumbling something about "payback, mofo, for all the money you've cost me," or something like that...  <lmao>

I saw the 1911 grips and started looking through the display case.  When I saw the Box Elder "mostly-finished" set he had, those were kickass.  Greg actually found the raw block of wood, behind the display cases.  When I saw that, I knew I had to have it made into a set for the Desert Warrior.

Something like this - this is the same type of wood.  Something like it, but at the same time, not even close.  It'll be badass, no doubt.


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Jon, you're gonna hate me.  Did the Tucson-Run this afternoon, and forgot my phone.  Left SV around 3:20, made it to the grip makers place around 4:45.  Picked up the Desert Warrior, fondled the other revolvers he was working on, then went towards Sportsman's.  Along the way, I saw a place called R&A Tactical... 

Small place, hadn't seen it before, so I stopped in.  He was low on stock, obviously, but he had 2 x 20rd Pmags, marked at $45 each.  He had about 4 x 30rd Pmags, marked at $60 each.  He had one Surefire 60-rounder, marked at $275.

I just walked right out the door when I saw that poop.

Anyway, hit up Sportsman's, grabbed two more pounds of Varget, and hit the road.  Stopped at Chuy's for dinner, and now I'm back in SV.

Pics of the grips coming right up.

Finished!!!  :hethan: 


Symmetric, all the way through that block - mirror image on both sides.



With the originals, which go back in the case now.


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Without a doubt.^^^ <thumbsup>

Its a Pretty good pistol, I don't put them on a pedestal like some in the RIA section of the 1911forum.com. I have noticed some eyebrow raising flaws as far as premature wear (regarding the slide and barrel). I will post some pics when I get the time tomorrow.

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RIA has a few models that were made with metals inferior to their initial line of pistols. Probably as result of a lower cost supplier, but they've since improved on that front. Before that wear starts translating into slop, send that sweet thang off for some NiB coating in on the frame rails and corresponding slide grooves, bye bye wear, hello lubricity.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Without a doubt.^^^ <thumbsup>

Its a Pretty good pistol, I don't put them on a pedestal like some in the RIA section of the 1911forum.com. I have noticed some eyebrow raising flaws as far as premature wear (regarding the slide and barrel). I will post some pics when I get the time tomorrow.

This pistol has had about six hundred rounds through her.

Mild reloads consisting of 200gr SWC on top of 5.4g Universal, oal 1.240", Federal match LP (primer).




The factory guide rod spring seemed pretty weak, I have heard how RIA skimp on aspects like this to keep cost down. <dontknow> Eventually I will replace all factory springs of this 1911 soon. For now I upgraded the guide rod spring to a wilson #18.5. Went to the range on saturday and noticed consistent  ejection back at my four o'clock and about five feet back. Before with the factory GRS ejection was kinda of inconsistent and launched spent casings.

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