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What do you have on order or in the mail? Part 2


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*Hint*...   It's gonna be another Mk12.  :thumbup:


EDIT - one of these days, I need to make a Mk12 thread, just to list the configs and calibers that I have.  Mk12 is the King of Small Frames, hands down, when built right.

Mod 0, Mod 1, Mod H, and now that it's done, my Mk12 Mod 2.  5.56, 6.5 G, 6 ARC, .224 Valk.  That doesn't count growing a couple of the Mk12s down to 12.5" barreled baddies - the Grendel and the ARC - and how badass they are. 

Mk12 22ARC is next.  I'm sure it's gonna turn into a 12.5" carbine, as well.  Positive.  Let's just get through the 18" part first, and see how it does... 

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2 hours ago, DayWalker said:

I’ll be real curious to see how this goes. First and foremost, like you said, can’t go wrong with an MK12. Second, that cartridge sounds real nasty from what I’ve heard. 

Brother, I'll tell you this right now.  I can already tell where this is going, with this cartridge.  I've done the Grendel (BADASS!), then I did the Valk - supposed to be a Grendel-Killer... Wasnt.  Still have the SPR gun to prove it.  Then the 6 ARC - THAT motherfucker is an improvement!!!   Hands down!  :hail:  It really is better than Grendel, if you're after distance, a little accuracy, and bragging rights.  One-for-one, the 6 ARC is gonna beat a Grendel for that.

However, I'd HUNT a Grendel over the 6 ARC.  Projectile weight, and energy on target.  Now, JBMatt just smoked a Coues Deer with his 6 ARC and the 85gr Sierra Gameking a week ago, and I was eating that thing 8-days off-the-hoof, never frozen.  6 ARC works. 

Grendel was a game-changer.  Then 6 ARC was a game-changer over that one.  I think this 22 ARC is another game changer over both of those, within intended purposes. 

I have 5 Grendels and 3 of the 6 ARCs to feed.  I'm poor, and should start a GoFundMe just for that.  I'm going after an 18" SPR Mk12 22 ARC right now, and it'll become a reality - but just to solidify my interest in this one - I've already ordered a scope, mount, and rail for the 12.5" barrel that NOBODY is making yet...  But they will.  And I'll be ready when it drops. 


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Don't even have the 18" barrel in hand, and don'e know if I can find it - but I got the shiit coming for the 12.5, already, when that thing finally drops.  I'm behind the power curve - but ahead of it at the same time.

I'm not sure if I'm shot, fucked, powder-burned, or snake-bit, right now...  but when the details drop...  I'm ready already, and i'll have 2 guns up running right away.  

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Well, Bummer Update.  Called BA this morning, stated that I'd seen them listed as a "partner" of the 22 ARC on Hornady's webpage on this little gem.  Asked if they have any 18" SPR-profile barrels yet - I'd take one with machining chips and cutting oil all over it, not cleaned at all.  The super-nice lady on the other end of the line told me that they are not releasing any of them until the end of January or early February...  

Sad Panda...   :embarrassed:

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My drunk ass came in here last night to give boot scraper a shout out and totally got side tracked 


@Boot_Scraper and I had been talking about some stuff in 2019 in DM, dude randomly messages me last week says hey keep your eyes peeled for an inbound package and totally surprised the shit outta me! I just wanted to give him a GTG shout out for being a solid guy!!! 


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