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AR10 value OPINION

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  On 6/27/2021 at 3:40 AM, Lonewolf McQuade said:

$45 right now, plus Amazon has a 20% additional cupon on that page to click on!  $36 +tax & free shipping,  well worth  it.


I should get one of those, what is Belt Fed's card number again?

On a lighter note, I'm off to a gun show out at McClellan park, might be nice to have that card info handy while I'm there . 

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I had an extraction problem with my AR10T  once. First time I thought it was a bad reload. Happened again with a FGMM 175 gr. I disassembled the rifle and found the rubber O ring on the back  end of the extractor arm had split. Replaced it and haven’t had a problem since with any ammo. If you disassemble it, don’t lose that cylindrical spacer in the center of the O ring and spring. They are often backordered at Armalite.



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  On 6/27/2021 at 4:30 PM, Sisco said:

I had an extraction problem with my AR10T  once. First time I thought it was a bad reload. Happened again with a FGMM 175 gr. I disassembled the rifle and found the rubber O ring on the back  end of the extractor arm had split. Replaced it and haven’t had a problem since with any ammo. If you disassemble it, don’t lose that cylindrical spacer in the center of the O ring and spring. They are often backordered at Armalite.




Thanks @Sisco. Ill see if I notice anything there. Case was noticeably darker & heat  freckled like an orange peel texture after fired. 

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  On 6/27/2021 at 3:34 PM, DOCTORDEMO said:

should get one of those, what is Belt Fed's card number again


Dude, you are like the worst identity thief EVER!  You are supposed to write these things down IMMEDIATELY when I sell them on the Dark Web! No matter, he got a new AARP Diamond MasterCard :

Amish Bank of Candlelight

0308 0556 0300 3006

EXP: 11/24                 CREDIT/DEBIT


Secret Code: 1776

⬆️ (his actual birth date)


Get me sumthin nice @ the gun show! 🤣


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This is a small portion where i groundhog hunt. Set up just off the side of the gravel road that runs through the center of the property this time as to avoid the farmer cutting & bailing.  Hopefully he's done & out of the way for this Saturday 🤞 The 2 shooting  lanes we had were a little over 700 yards. Have a good bit further if they get $hit cut &  I set up in a better location. 






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Well, after having 1 (1st ever) stuck case in the AR10 last weekend after 6 shots, I got through 30 rounds today & got 1 more. Extractor is breaking part of the rim off, so it appears it's working correctly trying to do it's job? Faulty factory round? Tight tolerances in the match grade chamber, combinations of both? IDK 🤔

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  On 7/4/2021 at 4:06 AM, Rsquared said:

Keep her well (and I mean well) lubed, and keep shooting her brother. She'll settle out.

Oh, and that looks llke a great place to be putting rounds down range. I love open fields like that.


Thank you sir 👍I may not have been running it wet enough. Damn near dripping oil, grease or both?

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  On 7/4/2021 at 4:58 AM, Lonewolf McQuade said:

So, more wet than a blonde midget wrestler? 🤣 Just  oil?


Just oil. 

You can't even imagine how much oil I would have put on that blonde midget wrassler, brother.  I would have dunked her in a vat, then put her in a big garden-sized bathtub, and slid around trying to catch her...   :banana:

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  On 7/4/2021 at 11:02 AM, Belt Fed said:

You can't over oil one.I put mobil 1 everywhere. in the BCG and every part of the BCG. i put it on heavy too.Oil inside the charging handle and outside. 


I always lightly coat parts, but my knowledge & experience with the larger AR platform is minimal. Thanks to you guys, I'm slowly learning. 

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  On 7/4/2021 at 9:00 PM, shooterrex said:

Any of the Mobil 1 is good. Soak the bcg in it a day or two.


I'll give it a try. I grabbed the 5 W 30 synthetic figured it was an in-between weight. Soak the entire assembly or break it down and soak the pieces?  Also, how do I proceed from there? Shake off the excess and stick it in the gun or wipe down somewhat?

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  On 7/4/2021 at 8:24 PM, Lonewolf McQuade said:

What weight mobile full synthetic?


what i have now is 10w 40, but what you have will work.

  On 7/4/2021 at 9:09 PM, Lonewolf McQuade said:

Shake off the excess and stick it in the gun


Don't even shake, stick that drippin sucker back in there. They are not like an AR15, you can't over oil the thing. some of it may seep out the pins and between the halves. that you can wipe off.

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Had a guy at deer camp this past year with a jamming problem. he ask me what was wrong. i said is it oiled up good. he said i oiled it before the season. I took it apart and used some of the mobil 1 oil, he was using some fancy named stuff. i soaked the bolt really good. put it heavy on all the outer  contact points. we took it up the the gravel pit and it never missed a lick. he said it was jamming every shot before.

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  On 7/4/2021 at 9:17 PM, Belt Fed said:

Don't even shake, stick that drippin sucker back in there


Thanks, that's what I am gonha do.. ive definitely not kept this particular platform wet enough.  I am a little concerned about where the excess oil is going to end up in the case or while sitting in the safe. But I'll figure it out,  even if the BCG rides in a Ziploc. 

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