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WOW!!!   THIS right here is the generation that we have to deal with everyday, out on the streets, daily.

This idiot is mind-boggling...

By the way...   That's some seriously disturbing shiit, but it turned out funny AF...  

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On 11/18/2023 at 7:56 PM, 98Z5V said:

Man, I just watched this, and a few things come to mind.  First, this guy is amazing for what he does.  "Sitting with Dogs."  It's badass, the time he puts in.  Second - this dude REALLY reminds me of Rob, big time.  @Robocop1051 - this might be your long lost twin brother, that you never even new you had - fuk's sake, he even sounds like you when he talks. 

Watch this one, fellas...


Here's an update on this pup - it's pretty damned cool!


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I love watching stuff like this.  I love kids that grow up young, with something to do - something that they can put time into, and get good at.  Team sports are a start, and excelling at that is a start - but every kid needs something that they can excel at as an individual.  It just makes better people, in this world.  It builds confidence, character, discipline, dedication...  There's so many things that can be learned, by working hard to get really good at something.

Kids and dirtbikes are a good mix.  In today's world, you have all these helicopter-moms hovering over everything, and kids can't do shiit that might give them a cut or a scrape.  The answer?  Dirtbike.  Oh, and stop being a pu$sy parent. 

This is really good - check it out...


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On 12/7/2023 at 9:10 PM, 98Z5V said:

I love watching stuff like this.  I love kids that grow up young, with something to do - something that they can put time into, and get good at.  Team sports are a start, and excelling at that is a start - but every kid needs something that they can excel at as an individual.  It just makes better people, in this world.  It builds confidence, character, discipline, dedication...  There's so many things that can be learned, by working hard to get really good at something.

Kids and dirtbikes are a good mix.  In today's world, you have all these helicopter-moms hovering over everything, and kids can't do shiit that might give them a cut or a scrape.  The answer?  Dirtbike.  Oh, and stop being a pu$sy parent. 

This is really good - check it out...


I’ve always loved watching little kids ride because they’re fucking fearless, they’re balls to the fucking wall, they don’t think of the what ifs they just fucking twist grip and fucking rip! That kids got huge balls! 

I’ve been following Brian degan forever then his kids for atleast the past ten, of course his daughter in stock car racing but his oldest boy winning 250’s this year at 17 and fighting it out on that last race! 

again I fucking love watching kids race, I went to our local track this year to photograph my cousins kids race. It made me realize how much I miss shooting motor sports. 

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6 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

Watched the first one last night, when I found that out.  Figured I'd shut it off, because I was ready to binge the 3 that are available...   :lmao:

Guilty Deb and I binged the new three , my Goodness he is even Bigger..... my Mom has always read the Reacher books she got me started on them I always got a kick of asking her whats happening in your book and she always replied "he is kicking Ass!".....


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29 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

Fuk was THAT, that just collapsed?!!?...  

That was a shotcretre retaining wall on a site local to me. This video shows more detail.

So the next video show how a shotcrete wall is made. long anchor rods are driven into the dirt then a rebar mesh frame is attached to the anchor rods. Drainage is important to deal with water build up.

Looking at first video I see the anchor rods but no evidence of the rebar mesh.

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What the last video is showing is the top couple lifts of a shotcrete wall on the way back up. Procedure is the lagging wall that collapsed is constructed from the top down as the hole is dug with tiebacks, then the structural component of the wall (part with all the rebar) is placed on the way back up integral to a large footing and each of the floor system. Apparently, the lagging part of the shotcrete wall was not engineered to withstand the forces (Duh..). The tiebacks look like they held and the lagging let go. Not unusual no rebar in the lagging portion of the wall, just mats around the tieback heads. There should have been no loose fill behind the wall, it is just excavated and the shotcrete lagging is placed right on the dirt in 4-6 foot lifts going down as the hole is dug. All that fill pouring out makes me think there was another (Poorly constructed!) project unknown to the project engineer like a road backfill or backfill around some utilities or whatever and that is where all the loose material came from. When there is fill behind a lagging wall, you will see soldier piles (I-Beams) and wood lagging like 4X12s. All the ground water control is placed between the lagging wall and the structural wall. 



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The CH-53 helicopter is a BAD BIITCH...   This thing has a 36,000 lb external lift capability - it can pick up 36k pounds, and FLY it.  Smaller (slightly) than the CH-47 Chinook.  WAY badder, for what it can do.  The Chinook can do things the 53 can't, too, but it's like comparing apples to hammers, here.

Now, fast-roping this motherfucker.  I've only done it on ONE training rotation, roped several times, and I don't care to ever do it again.  When this thing is hovering at 60ft AGL, the rotor wash on the ground is 100 mph.  Not a typo.  If you're on the ground when this thing is hovering 60 feet above you, you're standing in a 100 mph wind.

The gantry - the anchoring pillar that you attach the fast rope to - the gantry is another 3 feet further then the edge of the back ramp.  Yeah.  It's a "leap of faith" to walk off the back of that ramp, and grab that fuckin fast rope.  It's a rush. 

Now, that rotor wash I was talking about - it's SO severe, that it blows the fast rope OUT from the helicopter at a 45* angle.  Oh yeah, more shiit to worry about.  The pilots have to offset the aircraft, in flight, per the desired fast rope landing location (infil point), because the rope is blown out backwards from the aircraft...

So, not only do you have to jump 3 feet off the ramp to grab the rope - you have to grab a rope that's going away from you at a 45* angle.  Again - it's a rush. Such a rush, that you don't wanna do that too often in your life, after you experience it once.  If it's a training rotation, you HAVE to do it over and over - THEN you're good.  For life. 

Fuk that thing.

CH-53 is the cargo-only version.  AFSOC runs the MH-53 - that one is a gunship.  .50 M2 on the tail, 7.62 miniguns in the forward doors.  Worked with those for about 3 weeks in a close air support course in 1995.  Wouldn't give that up for anything, ever...

Here's some vid of one picking up another crashed helicopter...  Look at those poor dudes on the ground, getting blown to shiit by the rotor wash...  You'll see what I mean...



For a size comparison - that thing is picking up a crashed Blackhawk...

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Having had the opportunity to work with helicopters for hoisting in places where a crane can't reach it was exciting and you had to move your ass as it was a very expensive lift. The sound and the prop wash, it was one of the times you were given a chin strap for the hardhat. Good times🍻🍻🇺🇸 

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FUK YEAH!  Love me some Nick Irving, brother!  Read his books, buy his book on long distance shooting skills - it's worth it.


"No SEAL has ever had to rescue US..."  


Fuckin'  truth.  :thumbup:


Hate to add this one in there for good measure, but I will any way. Because.



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Caught this by accident about 3 days ago.  Reminds me of Neil, but in Alaska.  He has 3 more vids of this trip, after this, and I'll link that.  This is badass, and complete self reliance.  Pretty damned awesome to see.


Here's his videos page on YT.  The latest one just aired at 9am today, so this just happened.  If you watch them in order, it's pretty fucking amazing. 


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