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What's your weather like today or the past few days?


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We were getting spoiled thinking an early spring was here (Maine). The temps had been climbing and it was in the mid 50sF yesterday. But we're headed back to winter weather and temps. Heck, it's only February and we can still get anything including the worst weather of the winter. The warm days sure were nice while they lasted though!

The forecast says northern Maine can get up to 12" of snow in the next 24 hours. I don't envy them. I've grown to hate snow.

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Today in the low 40s (central Maine) bright sun and not much wind, a mild gust now and then. It's a nice day for outside chores. I picked up some cut wood from a tree that blocked my driveway 2 months ago and reloaded the inside wood rack. Normally I use the truck for that, but it's kaput and no one at the Toy' garage is smart enough to diagnose an engine that isn't running so It sits on the lot awaiting being traded for a new truck. It's either that or pay $100/hr to have them tear the engine apart looking for what I think is a pollution control problem. That dealership used to have good mechanics but covid hit and now the good ones have found better paying jobs (so I was told). When will my new truck show up? No one knows. 

Back to weather. Some sort of snow is forecast for later in the week. Again, no truck; since it has the plow my neighbor will take care of it if we get enough accumulation to be bothered with it. 

On a bright note, yesterday was also a decent day so I sorta sighted in the 10/22 SBR that got the new barrel and parts a month+ ago. I use it for steel challenge and it should be close @ 40ish yards. I'll fine tune it in a month.

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Stay warm SB !

Last week or so we were teased with warmish temps and did lots of melting but it was just a tease to make us think we were going to get an early spring. In Maine? No way!

Snow here today also Sagebrush. Not much though and that's good, but it's cold. When I woke up it was 20°, not more than 1/2 hour later it was 14°. We've been hovering there ever since. I have no idea what the wind chill is, but the wind is gusting, or it was. It'll be colder tonight and more snow is forecast. At these temps I use the heavy duty heat "system" called a wood stove. It delivers steady heat with no short term fluctuations. But it delivers too much heat if it's much warmer outside. Cold for the weekend is also predicted. I have no idea when the cold will break. But the sun is getting higher in the sky and is delivering warmth, so the battle between cold and warm will begin in earnest in the next month or so. We can also get the worst weather of the winter as the moist southern (Gulf of Mexico) air collides with the cold arctic air and dumps on us. But the end of winter isn't far away. Yipppeee! In years past I liked winter, not so much anymore. 

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