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What's your weather like today or the past few days?


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So...   It's been pretty crazy here.  There was a 49-year old record, from 1974, with 18 days straight at/over 110*.  Well, we smoked that.  I think it's day 21 now.  There's an end in sight, but it's over a week out now.  Fun.

Somewhere in the last few days, it was 119*.  That was a record-breaker for that day, somewhere in the past. 

Don't know when it will end, and "just be 109*," but it won't matter, because it'll be 110*+ the day after that, anyway.  August here usually sucks just like July sucks.  We're blessed that we had a very wet winter, and a June that was like no other.  It was well into June before we even cracked a hundred.  That was a blessing.

September can't come soon enough, and October can come soon enough after that. 

Oh, broke another record at the beginning of the week - we broke "The highest low-temp ever recorded..."   :lmao:  I think it was Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.  The LOW that day was 97*...   You just can't make this shiit up...  :laffs:

Here's today's forecast, for CG, current analysis by WTForecast...


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1 hour ago, Cunuckgaucho said:

Fuk that donkey - he needs to go back to where ever he came from...  

Yeah, when it's like this outside in the summer, asphalt can hit 170*~180* surface temp.

Don't ride your motorcycle without wearing a leather jacket...   Which is kinda like an oxy-moron...  It's fuckin' 115*, and YOU want me to put on a leather jacket?!!?  Hey, make your call - two kinds of riders out there, and only two...  The ones that have been down, and the ones that are going down...  

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I won't lie - lot's of summers here on a streetbike.  When it's this fukkin' hot, I had a mesh jacket on, with all the padding - shoulders, back, elbows, kidneys.  Just something to keep me from sticking to the pavement, if I went down and had to stay there, not moving.  Full kit, though, besides the jacket material.  Boots, gloves, fullface helmet.  You had to have gloves, because the griips are too hot to grab without them.  Just wasn't practical, or (healthy) safe to roll in a leather heatmit around your upper body, that won't breathe at all, and pass no air. 

My $0.02 on riding in the oven. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're about tied, brother, highs and lows.  We beat that hot streak of 110+.  That was bullshiit.  There's a few days coming up over 110, but we're pretty much the same numbers for the most part, lows a little higher than yours, but not far off.

Watched a hell of a monsoon rain storm on the way home today - about 20 miles south of me.  It's coming, it just won't get here yet.  Needs to start soon, because it's like being in a crisper, with everything just drying out and turning onto tinder...  

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3 hours ago, Armed Eye Doc said:

Here is our next 10 days.  It has been this way for a couple of weeks already.  It's not quite the blast furnace of AZ.  But it still sucks.  


Try not to laugh to hard when I tell you we've been warned that a week long heat wave is begining this weekend. Coastal temps will get into the low 80s with interior temps reaching the mid 90s

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4 hours ago, Desert dweller said:

Pretty sad leaving Phoenix a few days ago to head to Monterey California to race at Laguna Seca. Expected to be cold since I’m leaving 110° AZ….temperature at the track has been in 90s even though Monterey city is low 70s. Glad I packed all the jeans and sweatshirts. Left hot and still hot. 

I love Monterey, man.  Love it.  Spent several years there, even volunteered to work a few races at Laguna Seca.

Where the track is, you have different weather, definitely.  Halfway between Monterey and Salinas on 68 - beautiful area.    Damn, I miss the awesome scenery around there, and the ocean. 

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Nope, doesn't work that way, brother.  It's just hot all over.  Except at Dirk's house...   :laffs:



That 110* you got coming up on Sunday, from what you posted...    - THAT is gonna suck!...   That's when shiit gets REAL...  :thumbup:  :lmao:

Gimme an AAR on that one.  I don't envy you. 

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Temps have dropped to low-mid 70s with possible rain Wednesday which is badly needed. Even though I'm 200 miles away from the nearest main fire it smell like campfire.

Sun set 7PM


Ash on the truck this morning.


 If I'm 200 miles away and pretty much on the coast so those closer even if not in immediate danger from the fire are pretty much chew the air.

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