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 I know from past discussions that many of us have had nightmares about shooting people. I've had more then my fair share. But I never had one with a somewhat repaired conclusion until the other night.


 My friend and I had built a kit airplane that could be broken down and transported bytruck. But we needed a runway so we started looking for abandoned roads and we found one by an abandoned shop. We got out to look at it when we were approached by some fellows who said they were mining and at some point mentioned that they found some sort of motherload. Just out of curiosity (thinking from a scientific point of view) I asked them what material. They turned agressive and said something indicating they wanted us to leave. I decided to try and explain our real intensions when one of them suddenly pulled a gun. I happened to have a gun in my pocket so I drew and fired. Bullet struck him on the side of the head and he dropped like a sack of potatos. Just then the other guy was geting his gun in hand and I told him to drop it. He frantically said something along the line of"You'll kill me" I told him I'd only shoot if he left me with no other choice.


 He put down his weapon and I told him he was free to leave. At this point, most of the confrontation took place at the entrance to the abandoned shop. Once he walked outside, I told him that we couldn't care less about the mine and just wanted to use the abandoned road for a runway and were going to offer to buy them drinks for watching our truck (I had a feeling all along that we could trust these guys if wwe could get them to listen.


 Just then I heard a voice behind me slur, "sum a bish" and I turned around, weapon drawn to see the guy I just shot standing behind me, bleeding out the side of his head but unarmed. I quickly put my gun away and used a martial art technique to gently trip him to the ground. I examined his wound to find some of his skin torn away and and a dent in his skull that looked as if someone scooped part of it away with an ice cream scoop the size of the bullet but nothing all the way through to the brain. I told my friend to get a first aid kit and something to drink and woke up as my friend was returning with it.


Interesting, somewhat resolved ending. Kinda weird as these dreams always end in tragedy and nothing more.

Edited by MaDuce
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"I told my friend to get a first aid kit and something to drink and woke up as my friend was returning with it."

I kinda lost something in the interpretation at this point. But that's some intense, vivid dreaming that I rarely if at all experience. And my dreams are inconclusive, they always end without resolution, kinda sucks unless it's a falling dream.

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"I told my friend to get a first aid kit and something to drink and woke up as my friend was returning with it."

I kinda lost something in the interpretation at this point. But that's some intense, vivid dreaming that I rarely if at all experience. And my dreams are inconclusive, they always end without resolution, kinda sucks unless it's a falling dream.

I have crazy fucked up dreams all the time most vivid, when I was on anxiety meds they were even worse, like an acid trip. Never poop like this? And 90% the time they involve people I know. But like you said there's never a resolution.......

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I forgot about something. It's been some more years now but I was quiting smoking and went on the patch. I would sleep with it stuck on my arm. Hot is had the effect of causing me to dream very intensely, so I lied in my post above. But the dreams were as if I was not sleeping they were so real. When I awoke I'd remember everything and it was as if I needed to live my day as a continuation from the dream(s). I'm glad they were not violent dreams as I probably would have been severely traumatized I mean really. Probably a good thing they were not sexy dreams either, waking up all messy and stuff hahaha...

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I forgot about something. It's been some more years now but I was quiting smoking and went on the patch. I would sleep with it stuck on my arm. Hot is had the effect of causing me to dream very intensely, so I lied in my post above. But the dreams were as if I was not sleeping they were so real. When I awoke I'd remember everything and it was as if I needed to live my day as a continuation from the dream(s). I'm glad they were not violent dreams as I probably would have been severely traumatized I mean really. Probably a good thing they were not sexy dreams either, waking up all messy and stuff hahaha...

I know a few people that took chantex to quit smoking and they had to stop because of the dreams.

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I know a few people that took chantex to quit smoking and they had to stop because of the dreams.

Chantix, anti-anxiety meds, anti-depression, and anti-psychotic meds can cause very vivid and weird dreams.  Any time you are messing around with the mind, there is always a chance of screwing something else up worse than things started.

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^ heh, doesn't the current Commie In Chief smoke? I heard rumors he does. It makes sense now, he must be on the patch he is as such a dreamer. I think that was one the campaign slogans too, come to think of it.

You could be on to something there!!!!!

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fought tobbaco addictiopn for 20 years smoked and chewed for 35 total then one day 10 years ago my youngest daughter called me up and gave me a talking to about being there for my grandson and that if I did not quit I was not holding up my end so I quit and have never looked back that was what i needed to make it sink in.... everyone is different but if you want to quit you will.... good luck and I never want another drag or a chew the thought makes me sick I am cured.

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So true. When you WANT to quit, it's easy.

I had a friend give who quit give me a little advice to help the cold turkey route. When you get to that point where you're overwhelmed by the urge...go have a smoke. Don't smoke it all. The first time maybe have half, then a little less the next time. This worked for me too. I think I went to have a smoke twice and that was all it took. It's just like using Nicorette or something...gives you that small dose to keep you from going berserk. It's been a little over a year now. I can count the number of smokes I've had over the last year...3. One at each golf tourney I played and one last visit to AZ. That's a whole lot better than the pack a day or better I was going through before. I occasionally feel an urge, but I really don't care to go back to smoking. The first time I quit it never really felt like I quit. Just felt like it had been a year since I had one. This time is different. This time I don't want to smoke again.

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I've smoked forever. I know it's terrible but I love it. I tried e-cigs too but those don't work and they rippoff anyway. When I was on patch I smoked too, hahaha!! I'm doing American Spirits now, 100% all natural tobacco and nothing else. Love'em and they last twice as long a Marlboro, taste way better. 50c more than crappy Marlboro. After a Spirit the after oder on you is very strong though. Funny thing is I went to doctor recently and told her I smoked pack a day. She listened to my lungs and was astonished that they are clear, she had bewildered look on her face. I know I had better quit, it's so hard for me too, no will.

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I quit 29 years ago when I started dating my wife, who is asthmatic. I was smoking 2 packs a day, and used the Nicorette gum to quit. You had to have a prescription for the stuff back then. When I started chewing the gum I never lit up another cigarette. Quitting probably saved my life! I had a bad motorcycle accident in '06 and was in a trauma hospital in El Paso for 8 days with a punctured lung, broken shoulder blade and a WHOLE bunch of broken ribs! My heart rate was at 175 for well over 12 hours after the crash. My wife, who is an R.N. said if I had still been smoking like I was when we met I probably wouldn't have survived that crash! A surgeon friend of ours said the same thing after looking at my x-rays from the crash. My jaw literally ached from chewing that gum when I quit, and to this day I DO NOT chew gum!

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 On any medical forms I have to sign I put I don't smoke.If you got a life insurance and you told them you don't somke and when you kick they can make a tie in to smoking could be a problem.With my exposure to asbestos,fiberglass,who knows what the fuk was in the demo in labs,and welding I say fuk it.Just waing for retirement to get my glucoma medicine. :))  the way I look at it somethings gonna kill ya,I'm not here for a long time I'm just here for a good time. <thumbsup>  Rehab is for quitters.

Edited by unforgiven
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