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Who's gettin soft?


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I definitely am.  My job has me behind a desk all day every day, the winter has lasted forEVER and I haven't even been running in about 5 months nevermind lifting anything heavier than a can of soda...


I have GOT to get back into the gym but at 50, I just know it's gonna SUCK for about 3 solid months.


I've been talking with my sons about hitting the track soon since the weather is breaking and I normally do a few miles with my 40lb weight vest and have some wrist and ankle weights I throw into the mix once I don't feel like I'm gonna die...


My boys are still only 8 and 11 so when I started going to the track with them, slowing myself down with weight was the best way to keep us all together when doing it but now we have drag bags and a sled and the works so they can do some sprints with more of a burden on them too which they enjoy.


Now I just have to try and peel my ass out of my recliner and get it going...



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I definitely am.  My job has me behind a desk all day every day, the winter has lasted forEVER and I haven't even been running in about 5 months nevermind lifting anything heavier than a can of soda...


I have GOT to get back into the gym but at 50, I just know it's gonna SUCK for about 3 solid months.


I've been talking with my sons about hitting the track soon since the weather is breaking and I normally do a few miles with my 40lb weight vest and have some wrist and ankle weights I throw into the mix once I don't feel like I'm gonna die...


My boys are still only 8 and 11 so when I started going to the track with them, slowing myself down with weight was the best way to keep us all together when doing it but now we have drag bags and a sled and the works so they can do some sprints with more of a burden on them too which they enjoy.


Now I just have to try and peel my ass out of my recliner and get it going...




I've been swelling like a balloon for the last 4 years or so, steadily rising from the trim 150lb mark all the way to the blimpish 180lb mark. They're going to have to moor me in a hangar somewhere soon...

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I started going 4 weeks ago, my gf got a membership at planet fitness and I can go under hers. I should have taken measurements cuz I'm not really loosing much but I know I'm gaining muscle. I started lifting with a friend too which I haven't done since highschool. Everyone keeps telling me they can see I'm sliming down, but I can't see it yet. Started out about 6'2" 240# I'm hanging around 232-234, trying to eat better too.

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Went to AZ in Oct 2012 to swill brews with some of the guys... I'm 5-10 and weighed 275.

One year later, I was down to 185 pounds. Been holding that weight for 6 solid months now. Making me think I can do crazy schit like SWAT or something.


Have you checked to see if you're still 5'10"?

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I was closing in on 6 pack abs at my 45th birthday, and injured my calf doing a Savage Race. I then took up pool shooting and binge drinking, and that has slapped about 20-25 lbs of fat on me over the last 2 years. I need to get back to the gym

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Went to AZ in Oct 2012 to swill brews with some of the guys... I'm 5-10 and weighed 275.

One year later, I was down to 185 pounds. Been holding that weight for 6 solid months now. Making me think I can do crazy schit like SWAT or something.

275 really ! Was that with with all the ammo you could carry ?
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I was closing in on 6 pack abs at my 45th birthday, and injured my calf doing a Savage Race. I then took up pool shooting and binge drinking, and that has slapped about 20-25 lbs of fat on me over the last 2 years. I need to get back to the gym

Always said f your 6pk I gotta 1/2barrel my half barrel is becoming a 1/4 barrel this

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6'1" 250 lbs. Doc said if I took my gut away, I would be in better shape than any other 65 year old he knows. Lift weights and or haul 400 pounds of wood every day. Do either a 3 mile walk or an hour elliptical four times a week. Last I checked my biceps were 19". My chest is down to 50". Trouble is I like to cook and I am good at it. Have pretty much removed processed food from my diet. I feel good, just wish I could drop 40 more pounds. Damn waist won't go smaller than 40".

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just got back from the Doc's for my annual physical.....5'9" 200lbs....need to loose at least 10lbs

he said my azzhole was a little looser from last year's prostrate check.....Haha..... :) Wash

Did he have both arms on you'r shoulders when he told you that brother???  <lmao>

Edited by unforgiven
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I think the worst part of being out of shape is all those times I abused my ass from here to tim-buck-two all come back in spades.  Shoulders feel like the joints are full of sand, hands ache every single day, knees, hip joints, EVERYTHING.  I finally had my face fixed a year or two ago after living with only 1 working nostril and a hole in my eye socket for 20+ years although they couldn't do a thing with the eye socket (messing with it could make me blind) but at least I can breathe now...


I think the more bad roads we traveled, the more we NEED to stay in better shape cuz the more you let yourself go, the worse your gonna feel and I am frigging CREAKING in the mornings, limping all the way to the coffee maker like some old geezer that just got done riding a mule off a cliff.  


Now I just have to START facing the pain of fixing it and THAT will make some it go away...lol  It's a horrible, vicious circle and all I seem to have the strength for right now is TYPING about it...lol


I'm sitting here laughing at myself thinking what a pussweed "I" turned out to be...lol

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Ever seen part of your eye-sac hanging into your sinuses before?  I have...lol   Here's one of my nose too.  My damn nose had been broken so many times they were afraid to break it again to straighten it so they went to town with lasers and called it a day.  Dug a trench outta my face so I could breathe and chiseled away a bit of the bone with it too just to smooth the edges...


I used to have to stand on my head, fart and have someone punch me in the stomach all at the same time just to blow my damn nose...







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It's my spine that's in bad shape, all in areas where the outcome of surgery is not certain, I made the same decision last year, fix what we can so I could deal with the rest better, I got the carpal tunnel fixed in both hands now the numbness, weakness, tingling, and the constant aching is 100% gone ! Now I think I have a hip problem! At least they can fix those. My weight is a different story it has steadily been creeping up for years now I'm 5'11" and approaching 270, got to do something about that.

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