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What's your weather like today or the past few days?


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Thunderstorms rolled through then 60-75mph winds behind the tstorms.

Power outage all over the place. Might need to start the generator if it's not back on shortly.

Only been out a bit over an hour.

Cooked burgers on the grill for supper.

Wind is so strong the gate opener wouldn't open the gate against the wind. Had to take the opener loose and block the gate open.

The wind is supposed to keep blowing like this till 10pm.

Glad I'm not a lineman trying to fix the power lines.

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Well, that sux about the winds and outages. If I was runnin' the lineman I'd have them sit it out until the winds die down otherwise it'd be  like peeing into the wind. 

DNP, I'm surprised you see snow at all in San Diego. No way would I have ever thought that.

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Power back on about an hour ago.

Lost a small fainting goat. The little shelter (dog house like) blew over and he got squished.

Wind is down to about 25 mph now.

We trimmed trees around the house 3 weeks ago. So nothing was damaged that way.

I'm sure we will find stuff blowed all over everywhere tomorrow.

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10 hours ago, shooterrex said:

Power back on about an hour ago.

Lost a small fainting goat. The little shelter (dog house like) blew over and he got squished.

Wind is down to about 25 mph now.

We trimmed trees around the house 3 weeks ago. So nothing was damaged that way.

I'm sure we will find stuff blowed all over everywhere tomorrow.

Sorry about the goat, those critters are neat. The Pyrs upset about it? They tend to take things like that personal.

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Sorry to hear about the goat, that sux. Good that your outage was short lived Shooterrex.

Well, they forecast our weather correctly (central Maine 60ish miles inland). When I woke it was snowing hard and by the looks had been for a few hours. It's still snowing hard. I haven't been outside to check the accumulation, but from what I'm seeing it's the "worst" storm of a very unsnowy winter, we've had much worse in years past. The coast may see power outages during this due to their wet snow clinging to power lines and high winds predicted there, but I'd be very surprised if we have an outage where we are, our snow is too fluffy. Plus the storm is too gentle for an outage for us, so far anyway.

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10 hours ago, BrianK said:

Sorry to hear about the goat, that sux. Good that your outage was short lived Shooterrex.

Well, they forecast our weather correctly (central Maine 60ish miles inland). When I woke it was snowing hard and by the looks had been for a few hours. It's still snowing hard. I haven't been outside to check the accumulation, but from what I'm seeing it's the "worst" storm of a very unsnowy winter, we've had much worse in years past. The coast may see power outages during this due to their wet snow clinging to power lines and high winds predicted there, but I'd be very surprised if we have an outage where we are, our snow is too fluffy. Plus the storm is too gentle for an outage for us, so far anyway.

Place in Wisconsin has broken the yearly record for snow already, and so has Duluth. Warmer then normal temps, but a lot more snow. Another 5-8 inches forecast for tomorrow night.

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2 hours ago, Sisco said:

Place in Wisconsin has broken the yearly record for snow already, and so has Duluth. Warmer then normal temps, but a lot more snow. Another 5-8 inches forecast for tomorrow night.

Weird everywhere.  Couple days ago, the mountains south of I-8, just south of me, were covered in snow, heavy.  I'll check again tomorrow morning, and see if it can still be seen.  If so, I'll grab a pic. 

Pretty wild around here, just south of Phx. 

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Friggin climate change. I’m going to go light my SUV on fire and sacrifice it to the climate gods in hope ls they’ll change their minds and return the steady perfect weather this planet has always experienced. 

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Not unusual for us for March... 10" of snow yesterday and in the 30s -20s last night. Today and the rest of the week in the 40s so we'll lose alot of what fell. Good riddance to it. I'm ready for spring weather and shooting, I have lotsa shooting to do, and developing loads and reloading. 

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Shooterrex, do they have a projected day when the outages will all be fixed? 

Flurries here early this AM, now the sun is fighting to come out. It's in the mid 30s. I don't remember any major weather events forecast here for the foreseeable future. 

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They are working on the outages as fast as they can. Mostly neighborhoods in the bigger cities now. Ours was back on last Friday night about 2330.

So many trees down. This week highs only in the 50's and lows about freezing. So some folks are a bit chilly w/o power.

They have brought in crews from other states. Just a lot of work to restore the grid.

My converter that keeps the battery charged and runs the 12 volt systems on my 5th wheel went out and I didn't know it . Replacement part will be delivered tomorrow.

My generator runs just fine so the 12 volt system being out was no big deal.

I think solar panels and more batteries are in the future.

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Outages... at the time I'm going to write about  Maine was over 94% forested and we love that but it can be a problem...

We had a huge ice storm in '98, 4" of ice covered everything from the 3 days that it was icing. Major limbs and trees down, local power lines totally down, major transmission lines and towers down, the area was a complete mess. Go outside and it sounded like a battle in the crystal store as things lost the fight with the weight. 

We had no heat, no running water, heck, no power and modern homes are designed for power. But I had sorta prepared by having pre-Rural Electrification Act kerosene burning appliances. That saved our bacon, but kerosene was not meant to be burned in todays tight homes. Despite having a window cracked we couldn't get rid of the water produced by burning the kerosene fast enough and our walls began getting wet. Then after the actual ice storm that 1st night with the wind chill it got down below -80°F (I think I remember -86). We were OK, but lots of folks didn't fare as well as we did. On the 5th day of the outage we got power back, but only because we are on a trunk line and they must restore us before they can go further. Like yourself, that was the deciding factor in our building on a "family room" specifically for a wood stove and to house 2k# of batteries for a solar (PV) system. Coupled with that was selling the plug in welder, and buying a 8k gas powered welder for back up to the backup, 'cause there is no sunlight for the PV panels during a storm. Now outages are as long as it takes for me to get to the panel to swap us over, and we can last for a very long time before requiring outside supplies of anything. 

What did we do for water during that ice storm? The product of the storm itself was our water source. I went out and gathered 4" thick chunks of ice and put the slabs in the tub. The heater we used for space heat melted and heated ice which was poured on the ice in the tub. We used that for flushing, and washing. A big pot of slab water was filtered for drinking using a Katadyn filter. Short wave radio kept us informed of what was going on. On the 4th day we made our way into town to see what was going on first hand and we saw the empty shelves in the supermarket. That convinced us to have a reserve food supply on hand all the time. Live and learn. Today we're ready for much worse. We have at least 1 long duration outage a year and the system still works as good today as when I first designed and installed it. I changed the lead/acid batteries a few years ago so other than monthly maintenance we're good for another 20 years. My widow can take care of it.

Outages still suck though. I hope your area is fully restored soon.

Edited by BrianK
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