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SO........it's been a while


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Gather around ladies, pull the blankets up around your shoulders, and let uncle R2 relate a story. It's been a while......but you all know how it goes.

So I go stumbling through the door of my local gun pusher (and the crowd roars).................................

It's been a while since I've seen the brother. He acted a little shocked, but still happy to see my sorry old ass. We did the mandatory bullshitting and name-calling for a while. Then we moved on to the matter at hand. See.....I like to think of myself, of the type of guy that at least has a plan. Even if it's a bad one. So, I'm planning my upcoming trip to the Arizona desert come the fall. AND, I'm also planning on bringing multiple weapons. After all..........I've shown up with a gang-box full of rifles over the last couple of years. I'd feel kinda nekkid if I didn't have at least a little bit of firepower with me this year. AND......I ain't..........I REPEAT.....I ain't driving from Maryland to Arizona this time. I've had it. That's enough. I'm not making that FUKIN drive this year. 2500 miles (one way) in a cannonball run is wearing my sorry ass out after the last couple of years. So.........I'm flying this time. Thus..........brings me to the door of my friendly local gun pushers establishment. I figured that I'd throw him some business of picking me up a pelican case. Oh......one that would be able to transport 4 rifles. Only cause I figure that I have to be able to bring my SASS, my 10 shorty (my lover), my 300 SBR and of course my MK18 (Rob wouldn't forgive me if I didn't show up with it). Plus.......the suppressors for all, plus a couple of pistols. After all, The MRAD came in it's own pelican case, so it's already covered.

So anyway. The gun pusher and I are doing our bullshittin. And while we're talking, I lean down onto one of his pistol display cases. As we're "chatting", I glance down and see a Springfield RO 1911. So I causally ask, "hey fuker, let me see THAT thing while you look for my case to see how soon that you can get it (respectfully, of course). He replies with a quick "NO". Well.......I'm shocked.........I'm non-plussed. I can't believe that he might actually be looking out for me after all of this time and trying to save me a couple of bucks. Maybe, knowing that I didn't come in here to buy anything else but the pelican case that I had asked for.

Well............no.............he wasn't...........the PRICK!

Instead, he says "why don't you take a look in that other case".

FUK! I knew that I shouldn't.............................................BUT.............................I do anyway.

DAMMIT! Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?

SO, I take a timid glance into the aforementioned case that he referred to.


There's laying a BE-A-UTIFUL Springfield 1911 TRP operator. FUK ME!

He takes it out.......racks it.......and hands it to me. FUK! (did I say FUK yet?)

Anyway ladies.......I think you all know how this story ends. GAWD DAMMIT!

Oh.....what's in the bag? You might say.


Well look what I found in there.........after making my wallet lighter (the FUKER.....he has no shame).


Damn, that barrel is shiny.


And.........ya know.........I still don't have that fukin pelican case that I went in there for, for the Arizona trip this fall.

FUK! That fuker knows me too well. I'll let you know whenever I get the case that I was actually looking for. :lmao:

Edited by Rsquared
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Just now, Matt.Cross said:

Yep. I've eyeballed that one the last couple times in AZ. That's a nice case. I'm just trying to find one that will fit 4 rifles (and mags), with suppressors, and a couple sidearms (w/suppressors) and mags.

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22 minutes ago, Rsquared said:

Yep. I've eyeballed that one the last couple times in AZ. That's a nice case. I'm just trying to find one that will fit 4 rifles (and mags), with suppressors, and a couple sidearms (w/suppressors) and mags.

The 1740 will do that, but the 1770 might also suit you better. Now that I have the Mod 1 Grendel, I'm replacing the factory foam in my 1740 with new solid foam & reconfiguring it so that I can put a maximum of gear on the very bottom level. Then when the TSA examines my case, they don't have to shift anything except whole rifles (minus BCGs) off each upper level.

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17 minutes ago, sketch said:

notice how grendle works its way in... sick puppy's! 

That's only a message straight from God, directly you YOU, my brother.  That's only GOD speaking to ROMAN, right there...  You should take the hint.  I'm just sayin'...  :thumbup:

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