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Just watched one of the worst Westerns ever made on Netflix. “Slow West” Shoulda been warned, it was slow. Watched “The Highwaymen” a while back with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson about the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde. That was Okay.

Edited by Sisco
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1 hour ago, Sisco said:

Just watched one of the worst Westerns ever made on Netflix. “Slow West” Shoulda been warned, it was slow. Watched “The Highwaymen” a while back with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson about the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde. That was Okay.

I liked highway men it was good knowing the ending 


I’m not much for westerns but I hear Longmire is good 

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3 hours ago, shepp said:

Also better to be pissed off than to be pissed on

Or, "Shot at and missed, Shiit at and hit!" 

3 hours ago, Matt.Cross said:

You know the difference between a green bean and a chickpea? I've never had a green bean on my face....

That was good, brother...   :laffs::lmao:

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2 hours ago, Armed Eye Doc said:

I watched the first couple of seasons of Longmire. Then they started changing the schedule and network and I lost interest.  It is a really good show.  What I saw was definitely worth the time.

Think it’s on Netflix now

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I'm half way through the Longmire pilot,  1:1.  I see a few seasons listed and decided to get Netflix on a one month free offer.  This first episode is some tough watching for me.  I remember sorta,  kinda watching it when it first appeared.  I had a tough go and let it go by the waste side.  I'm trying again.  Maybe ought to jump into a later season and watch a show from season four or five.  Losing interest on a few shows in the past,  dropping them,  and then finding out they made it for several more seasons is not new to me.  I think the Penny Lane seasons are a good example.  Anyway Longmire for the long haul,  not doing much of anything else right now.

Well,  I am watching the Live soap opera called Wuhan Stew.  It's an interactive game show that started as a horrible sickness caused by psycho scientists infecting the innocents with a deadly virus.  The show has gone viral.  The funny thing is no one wants to take credit for it's inception.   The producers stay hidden and it's our job to suffer the effects on both our daily lives and economic fallout while we figure out how to shut down the show.  Since Richard Dawson cannot possibly be blamed,  although a likely candidate after viewing Running Man,  we must look elsewhere,  for both the creator and solution.  The parrot heads disguised as well educated News commentators stoke up common fears of plain hard working citizens,  while doubling their master's commercial interests.  We find our selves drawn into the deadly game by being couch mushrooms,  and only entering our former world at night while walking our dogs and hoping to meet new black market dealers of toilet tissue.  Fascinating stuff if only the dangers were make believe.  It's only during the second or third week of the show do we find out the supposed saviors may in fact be the creators of an,  as yet,  uncontrollable disease.  I remember a former ad campaign that stated "...you can't make this stuff up.",  and yet they did.  It's soon discovered that the true saviors,  the folks that want to seriously stop this show are lambasted,  creating yet another point of contention rather than a vein of protection.  Folks such as POTUS,  whose job directly links him to directly controlling the fear and finding a path to restoration is blamed for managing poorly a Nation in crises,  as if there were a game plan book to follow that he ignores.  The evil wiles of greed gone wild,  and riding the charging steed of avarice,  while the truth be damned,  we find our selves at the mercy to forces of evil and darkness once again.  Not since the medieval days of yore,  and the spread of  " The Black Death " have we seen a modern society delve into the barbaric trickery of the knowledgeable,  playing our emotions negatively,  rather than offering a soothing balm.  

I think I'll drop Wuhan Stew as well,  it is too intense.



by the money managers for an ever increasing fever pitch pace

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