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Lost My Shooting Partner Today

Cliff R

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It's tough to loose a good friend (although I have very few of them).  I actually have quite a few "acquaintances", but very few close friends.  That's probably because I tend to rate my friends by who I'd want beside me if we were in country, outnumbered, out gunned, and getting ready to be over-run by the enemy.......so the list is pretty small! 

A good dogs love and devotion are also unconditional.  They don't have "bad hair" days and treat you like chit, and are always glad to see you when you come thru the door.  They don't spend all your money, and never mind tagging along and hanging out no matter what activity you've chosen for the day, hunting fishing, cutting firewood, sitting by the pool, playing in the yard with the grand kids, or just taking a walk in the woods.  Find me a woman with those traits and I'm going to marry her, if you are lucky enough to have a wife with those traits....hopefully she's got a sister I can marry!.....LOL......Cliff

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  On 7/27/2019 at 4:48 PM, Cliff R said:


It's tough to loose a good friend (although I have very few of them).  I actually have quite a few "acquaintances", but very few close friends.  That's probably because I tend to rate my friends by who I'd want beside me if we were in country, outnumbered, out gunned, and getting ready to be over-run by the enemy.......so the list is pretty small! 

A good dogs love and devotion are also unconditional.  They don't have "bad hair" days and treat you like chit, and are always glad to see you when you come thru the door.  They don't spend all your money, and never mind tagging along and hanging out no matter what activity you've chosen for the day, hunting fishing, cutting firewood, sitting by the pool, playing in the yard with the grand kids, or just taking a walk in the woods.  Find me a woman with those traits and I'm going to marry her, if you are lucky enough to have a wife with those traits....hopefully she's got a sister I can marry!.....LOL......Cliff


Valid point - I heard this here on the board:  Lock your dog in the trunk for an hour, and then lock your wife in the trunk for an hour.  Which was has happy as hell to see you when you opened the trunk?...    :thumbup::banana::laffs:

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I know the drill. My last best friend (other than my wife) was a cat. I know. Who would have thunk it? But I came home from triple by-pass surgery, hurting like hell. I sat down in the recliner, and the cat climbed up on me, laid across my chest, and purred the pain clean out of me. Sometimes, it seems like they know what we need better than we do. God bless them all!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, when it rains it pours.  Lost my precious Samantha (Sammy) on Sunday.  She wondered down to where I was mowing by the road and trotted across to the mail box.  I didn't see her till it was too late.  She waited (car smart) for a car to pass by then trotted into the road.  She didn't see the second car driving like their ass was on fire, no chit at least twice the posted speed limit.  I was powerless to do anything, and now she's gone.......Cliff



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God Bless Cliff.  We grow together with out little buds and it is wonderful.  Knowing in advance we will outlive them is a foreknown fact.  I have been through it a few times and swear off pairing up with another.  But life sucks without a dog period.  I lost the best dog I ever teamed up with last one out.  This guy looked like a weight lifter although Jack Russell's are smaller,  or smallish.  Loved this guy like no tomorrow.  Had to put him down and being "The Guy" in our home it was up to me,  each and every time.  Tough duty for sure.  Anyway I send off to some rescue joint for an abandoned pup.  He's in Pennsylvania and I gotta pick him up there from NJ.  OK 75$ donation.  Meet is set for Cabela's parking lot at midnight.  I'm from Brooklyn NY and was a street guy for a while and I'm thinking a Pier 9 at midnight meeting.  Who's getting whacked?  So the truck arrives at 1:30 am and thankfully a few other folks are there so I feel assured nothing stupid is going to happen.  I find out my pup is from Tennessee and has just spent 45 hours in a crate.  I love this dog.  So he's walking sideways looking to pee.  Skinny,  and with long legs for a Jack and I'm thinking he's f'ked up.  Bent spine,  shriveled body,  and shell shocked.  In the hotel he's barking at every noise outside the room,  puke's up his food,  and I'm thinking 'Vet bill's' up they ying yang.  After a few days I find he's straightening out,  he's not walking half sideways any longer.  His demure attitude is gone,  he's coming into his own.  We all know this kind of dog.  You cannot approach me,  I'm his guy,  period.  He is not mine,  I'm his.  In the mornings he will take his walk and do his business,  but in the afternoon he won't.  Usually I need to walk him a 1/4 mile or so and he'll poop. In the  afternoon he has created a ceremony.  He walks around the Dodge,  392 loud machine,  and sniffs the doors and will not go for a walk until I let him in the car start her up and drive around the block.  He loves the sound of those 24 dragons that scream out of the ass end of that machine.  As soon as we get out of the car he'll poop within 15 feet.  Long story short he's the worst best dog I ever had.  I know he was abused at one time and I did save him,  he hit the puppy lottery for sure.  But he fills a need for me as well.  We're all lucky to know the relationship between us and our four legged friends.

I know we all send our love and caring to you in this moment of grief.  Please be comforted knowing we all share in your sorrow. 

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I've been blessed with good dogs over the years.  Duchess was a gift from my Daughter back in 2003.  She bought a male Min Pin around 2005 and he sired a litter of pups with Duchess in 2007.  I kept two of the pups.  Sammy was the "runt" of the litter, much smaller than all the rest but grew up a lion at heart.  Tougher than nails and a killing machine for mice, rats and just about anything else that wondered onto the property.  Being much smaller than all the others she had to "scrap" it out from day one and became the dominant dog around here.  She thought she was 100 pounds not 12 and absolutely fearless.

She wasn't overly fond of kids or anyone else but me, but never aggressive toward anyone.  Every night for the last 12 years she'd jump in bed and dive under the covers with me.  She loved being with me every waking moment which proved to be her undoing.   The day she was killed I locked her in the house and told Deb I was cutting grass down by the road.  Someone let her out and I saw her coming down the hill.  I thought I could finish up quickly and head back up but the mower started sliding on the steep hillside.  I stopped and retrieved the side-by-side to winch it up the hill.  Somewhere in all the commotion I lost track of Sammy and by the time I realized she'd went across the road it was too late. 

Despite my grief I feel blessed to have had 12 wonderful years with her, she was a great dog in every respect.  I think these things hurt so much because of the bond we form with our dogs.   There devotion and life long commitment to us is not found in other human beings.  They love and serve unconditionally, which makes their passing difficult for us........Cliff

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Ya, I have a big empty spot in my heart at the moment.  Also lost a long time friend this week.  I met Jay in 1978, he had his own business doing the stuff we all love as a full time business. He will surely be missed.....Cliff


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