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What's your weather like today or the past few days?


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Been fairly mild around here this week. Temps dipped down into the high 20's/low 30's for a while yesterday, but nothing overwhelming. Made a run down to Ocean City (OC, Maryland for the rest of you) to pick up my pop so he could come stay with me for a week, to give him a little change of scenery. It snowed on us on the way back to my place. But nothing accumulated. Back in the 40's this morning.

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Rsquared, that's not cold for you? 

More cold for us today. When I got up at 0630 I looked at the thermometer and it was -3°F. It's 20° now at 1115. The indoor wood rack is getting low so at some point today we'll need to get more inside. Looking at the extended forecast the cold will moderate 'til Tuesday but remain in the 20s during the day, normal for us at this time of the year. Tuesday snow then Wednesday it'll go into the 40s. That pattern is normal; precipitation, then the air mass changes. Typically in March we start the melt into spring and we call that mud season because the frost comes out of the ground and the ground is soupy. As the frost clears from out of the ground the water soaks in and the ground firms up. This year might be a short mud season because the frost may not have gone very deep this year. We'll find out very soon.

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20 minutes ago, BrianK said:

Rsquared, that's not cold for you?

Here in the Washington DC region, we get all sorts of screwed up temperature ranges. We'll hit almost 100 in the summer, and sometimes down to single digits in the winter. So, like everything else in and around DC.....the weather is fuked. :lmao:

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On 2/23/2023 at 11:58 PM, DNP said:

The kids thought so too. We don’t have to shovel it, so that’s good at least. 


Great looking family!

20 hours ago, BrianK said:

Cold the past few days and will be for at least a few more. Running the wood stove because of the quality of the heat. We love burning wood over the oil furnace or even the heat pumps.

Nothing better then wood heat!:thumbup:

78F and humid here. Got a bunch of Rays showed up under the pier. Nothing big, but fun to watch. I guess Bull Sharks and Bonnet Head sharks come in and feed on them. Haven’t seen any Bulls but spotted a four foot Bonnet Head.


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Still cold here. All the city-its are screwing up our roads trying to get up here. Had a couple cars backed up to my gate and sledding in the yard when I got back yesterday. I feel a bit like a dick telling them they need to go somewhere else, but I have a feeling they’d have issue with me parked in their driveway and playing soccer with my kids on their front lawn - just because they had grass and I don’t. 


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Snow today (central Maine), but the outside temp' is up to almost 30°F (heat wave!). Sure it was forecast, but at this time of the year it has always struck me as being a waste of time, kinda like snow or rain over the ocean, and snowing here just to be a PITA. It's not going to last because of the angle of the sunlight. If I remember the forecast we'll get snow every other day for at least this week. When I refer to the season changes "fighting it out" this is what I mean. At this time of the year the moist air from the south clashes with the Arctic air and this is what we get. A few years ago we got 2 blizzards in one week, days apart, during the seasons fight for supremacy.

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